About me
I am looking for undergraduates, research interns, research assistants, Ph.D students, and postdocs who are passionate about systems research to build next-generation systems together. Feel free to reach out if you are interested!
International students: PKU CS offers a variety of programs in English, including Master’s, Ph.D., Summer School, and various other options. Feel free to reach out if you are interested or have any questions.
I am an assistant professor in School of Computer Science at Peking University.
I was a postdoctoral scholar in School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) hosted by Prof. George Candea. Before that, I worked with Prof. Sanidhya Kashyap.
Prior to EPFL, I obtained my Ph.D. in computer science in December 2020 from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) advised by Prof. Yuval Tamir. Before coming to UCLA, I received my B.S. in computer science from Peking University in 2013.
My research is in the general area of computer systems. I am specifically interested in operating systems, storage systems, formal verification, dependable computing, concurrency, software/hardware co-design, and recently systems for machine learning.